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2024 Tax Updates 12.28.2023 - Announcements
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Customer Service

Technical Support Request
If you were unable to find the answer to your question or resolve your issue through the use of our online self-help options, we suggest submitting your request to our Technical Support staff. Technical issues such as data backup problems, error messages, encryption errors, installation problems or other issues. Depending on the technical issue, charges may apply.
Our professional technical support team can assist you with any of the following issues and other technical difficulties you may be experiencing. If you have a Technical Support issue, please submit a Technical Support Request and a service technician will respond within 24 hours.
Technical Support Request Guidelines:
Step 1: Include Detailed Information: The more information you provide regarding your problem the easier it will be for the technicians to diagnose the problem.
Step 2: Fill out and submit the Technical Support Request Form below.
Step 3: A technician will respond to you within the business day or up to 24 hours. If this is an emergency request, please note the high priority in your submission.
Note: Many problems are caused by improperly backing up data. If you have already installed the software remember to always back up your data BEFORE downloading a new version. Click here to learn how to backup data.